Thursday, 22 December 2011

Friday, 16 December 2011

Rain Rain Go Away...

Just a short post today, as I have some unpacking to do!  On wednesday I decided to go into town to see if I could get some photos.  Luckily I put my raincoat on, thinking it might rain a bit, and sure enough the heavens opened!  Too make matters worse, there were incredibly strong winds making it even colder.  I also discovered that my raincoat isn't that waterproof....oh well.  I seemed to be seeing red everywhere, maybe its just the colour of the season.

Sorry for my lack of posts recently, I will try to post more over the coming weeks.



Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Just a few.....

Just a few photos from last weekend.  I shall hopefully be making a project/book with these images, so I don't want to give too much away....